The Pine Orchard Association Executive Board is comprised of 12 volunteer members who have been nominated and voted into office by POA constituents – Prerequisites for serving on the board include owning real estate within the Association and being eighteen years of age or older. Board members volunteer their time with a desire, Per Section 2 of the Charter Board in order β€œto provide for the improvement of the lands in said district, and for the health, comfort, protection and convenience of persons living therein.” Board members serve three-year terms and a maximum of two consecutive terms (6 years total). All eligible residents are encouraged to become active participants.

Current POA Executive Board 

Vincent Giordano2025+pres@poa-ct.orgPresident*
Seth Hershman2024vp@poa-ct.orgVice President*
John Grathwol2025+treasurer@poa-ct.orgTreasurer*
Peggy Haering2024clerk@poa-ct.orgClerk*
John Garthwol2025+tax@poa-ct.orgTax Collector
David Silverstone & Karen Jubanyik2023+/2026+waterfront@poa-ct.orgWaterfront Maintenance Access
David Scheer2026+by-laws@poa-ct.orgBy-laws
Seth Hershman2024nominating@poa-ct.orgNominating
Andrew Ruff2026+building@poa-ct.orgPOA Building & Grounds Maintenance
Seth Hershman2024liaison@poa-ct.orgMunicipal, Community Liaison & Sidewalks
David Scheer2026+parks@poa-ct.orgCommunity Beautification
Peggy Haering &
Niall Ferguson
2024/2025+planning@poa-ct.orgLong Range Planning
Matt Barez & Thomas Roche2024+/2026+zoning@poa-ct.orgZoning Commission

NOTE:(+) End date of first term   (*) POA Executive Board Officer