POA Executive Board Meeting Minutes 02-26-2024

Monday, February 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
180 Pine Orchard Avenue and via the Zoom Application

Agenda Item 1: Call to order. The meeting of the Pine Orchard Executive Board was called to order at 7:03 p.m. The following members were present: Vincent Giordano, John Grathwol, Karen Jubanyik, Matt Barez, Andy Ruff, Tom Roche, Peggy Haering, David Silverstone, David Scheer, Seth Hershman, Niall Ferguson.
Agenda Item 2: Approval of Minutes. Upon motion and second, the board unanimously approved the minutes from the January 8, 2024, Executive Board Meeting.
Agenda Item 3: Presentation by Eunice Mahler, Branford Clean Energy Committee. Ms. Mahler discussed a program administered by the CT Greenback whereby property owners could obtain incentive payments for installing batteries (energy storage solutions). The Inflation Reduction Act provides for a 30% Investment Tax Credit. The maximum incentive is $16,000. Those participating in the program must allow for passive use of their battery to reduce reliance on the power grid. People can also receive compensation based on the usage of their batteries. The program started in 2022 with the goal of bringing down cost of electricity. People should consult with the CT Greenbank to participate in the program.
Agenda Item 4: Officer and Committee Reports
By Laws –David Scheer reported that there were no new developments with his committee.
Budget Report–John Grathwol presented the Association’s budget report and reviewed the budget process. The largest remaining budget items are shorefront maintenance and legal fees. We cannot be certain how much we will end the fiscal year with. shoreline maintenance.
Tax Collection: John Grathwol reported that Tax revenues have been fully collected.
Zoning – Matt Barez reported that the CT Supreme Court has scheduled oral argument in the Whibey matter for March 27, 2024. There will be two appeals of the Association’s issuance of notices of short term rental violations.
Nominating Committee: Seth has sent out an email requesting that Association members who want to run for Board membership should contact him. We will have four slots for directors this year. Terms have ended for Peggy, Seth and Matt, and we have an additional opening due to the death of Curtis O’Connor. The annual meeting will be on July 8, 2024. People who are interested in running should contact Seth by April 22nd.
Building Maintenance: Andy Ruff had nothing new to report. Power has been restored following an accident last week that knocked out power to the headquarters building.
Waterfront – David Silverstone reported that an additional repair to the seawall at the end of Island View Avenue is needed.
Office Manager: Peter Robinson reported that he installed the television and other equipment for Zoom meetings for a total cost of $500. Peter will be out for the month of May due to scheduled surgery.
Agenda Item 5: Old Business (1) Susan Dahill, our 7th District RTM member said that she met with the First Selectman regarding the site for the Little Free Library. The Town Engineer recommended that library be sited in Triangle Park, approximately 25 feet from any sight line and outside the drip line of any trees. The location must still be approved by the Board of Selectman. Susan will represent the association at the meeting. (2) The DEEP Vin Giordano reported that DEEP as approved a license for new temporary stars at the end of Crescent Bluff Avenue. We hope to have metal stairs installed before the summer season approaches. Our temporary license is for one year, but we may be able to apply for an extension if the McBurney matter has not fully resolved by then. (3)The appeal of the matter of Beachcroft v. McBurney has been dismissed. The court determined that no appeal is possible until all remaining claims and counterclaims have been adjudicated. (4) Route 146 corridor management—The POA submitted comments to the State Department of Transportation (DOT). There has been no update thus far. We will seek to schedule a meeting with the First Selectman to discuss our requests for areas that require attention.
Agenda Item 6: New Business. Peter Robinson reported that he had received a number of complaints about people failing to pick up after their doges. Peggy Haering said that she had researched the issue and found that Branford has no ordinance on the books requiring pet owners to clean up after their dogs. Niall Ferguson suggested that the Association send out a notice as an initial matter. Peggy and Peter Robinson will work on a notice. There was also a discussion about the rules applicable to allowing dogs on the beach. Peggy said that a Branford ordinance prohibits allowing dogs on the beach.
Agenda Item 7: Executive Session: [None]
Agenda Item 8: Public Comments: None.
Agenda Item 9: Adjournment. Upon motion and second the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Haering, Clerk

Upcoming Board meetings
– Monday, May 6th, 2024 – POA Annual Meeting, Monday July 8, 2024
Documents received: Pine Orchard Association Budget and Treasurer’s Report;
Presentation by Branford Clean Energy Association