POA Executive Board Meeting Minutes May 2024

Monday, May 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
180 Pine Orchard Avenue and via the Zoom Application

Agenda Item 1: Call to order. The meeting of the Pine Orchard Executive Board was called to order at 7:05 p.m. The following members were present: Vincent Giordano, John Grathwol, Matt Barez, , Tom Roche, Peggy Haering, David Silverstone, David Scheer, Seth Hershman, Niall Ferguson. Absent: Karen Jubanyik, Andy Ruff.
Agenda Item 2: Approval of Minutes. Upon motion and second, the board unanimously approved the minutes from the February 26, 2024, Executive Board Meeting.
Agenda Item 3: Officer and Committee Reports
By Laws –David Scheer reported no new developments with By-laws.
Budget Report–John Grathwol presented the Treasure’s budget report as of May 2024. The Association did not make the budgeted transfer of $16,486 from the savings account this year this year due to the fact that the anticipated expenditures for shorefront maintenance and legal fees were lower than budgeted this year. It is recommended to budget a proposed transfer of $17,000 from the savings account for shorefront maintenance and legal expenses anticipated for the next fiscal year. David Scheer asked about proposed work for beachfront repairs. Vin Giordano said that more pointing will be required on the stairs on Island View Avenue and that the area is very vulnerable. The sidewalk to the Chapel Drive beach access point is crumbling and needs to be replaced. Also, the Association needs to replace the stairs on Crescent Bluff Avenue but will hold off that work until the litigation with the McBurneys is finished. The anticipated cost of replacing the stairs is $40,000 and the replacement of the railing will be another $10,000. David Scheer asked whether it made sense to budget for a higher mil rate. Niall Ferguson pointed out that the Association has approximately $120,000 combined in checking and savings accounts and felt that this amount should be sufficient for now.
Tax Collection: John Grathwol reported that a mil rate of 5 was used for 2023/2024 fiscal year and recommended that the same amount be retained for the upcoming year. He presented the estimated expenses and receipts based on those numbers. Upon motion and second the Board voted unanimously to set the tax rate for the Association’s 2024/2025 year at 5 mils.
Zoning – Matt Barez reported that we are awaiting the CT Supreme Court’s decision in the Whibey matter. Our revenues from zoning permits are lower than last year’s. A second notice has been issued for violation of the zoning ordinance’s ban on short term rentals. If the property owner appeals, the matter will go before the ZBA. If a citation issues, the dispute will go to the Hearing Officer for resolution.
Nominating Committee: Seth reported that we have four open slots for directors this year. Terms have ended for Peggy, Seth and Matt, and we have an additional opening due to the death of Curtis O’Connor. The Annual Meeting will take place on July 8, 2024. Matt Barez will be running for a second
term. The following individuals have expressed interest in serving on the Board: George O-Dowd, 17 Island View Avenue, Frank Telo, 196 Totoket Road, and Kerri Costigan Beckert, 21 Selden Avenue.
Seth will circulate the resumes of those candidates. Vin Giordano said that he is willing to continue on as President for an additional year and wants the Board to consider others to fill that role in the future.
Building Maintenance: Andy Ruff was absent; no report.
Waterfront – David Silverstone reported as he was inspecting the stairs near 2 Crescent Bluff, a large dog charged at him. It is believed that the dog belongs to the tenants of the McBurneys.
Beautification Committee: Vin is looking for a volunteer to head up this committee. There is an interest in improving the appearance of the grassy area at the end of Spring Rock Road, which is owned by the Town of Branford. A meeting was held with the First Selectman. The Town will continue with mowing the grass at Spring Rock Road, but it will not undertake to weed or improve the quality of the grass. Niall added that the Town also committed to grinding stumps, installing sea grass and creating a curb and concrete pad at the top of the stairs. Vin said that we have budgeted $3500 for beautification in the next year. Vin reported that some community members have offered to assist with this effort. David Scheer volunteered to serve as lead on this committee.
Office Manager: Peter Robinson reported he will begin working on sending out 2024/2025 tax bills. The Association has 76% email coverage for its members. The Association will continue to support the Union Chapel by sending out email notices of its events. The grass on the path leading to the Crescent Bluff access point has been a struggle to maintain. There is no way to water it and its appearance has suffered during droughts.
Agenda Item 4—Old Business (1) Litigation status update was addressed above in the zoning report and developments in the McBurney litigation will be discussed in executive session; (2) Route 146 corridor management—Bob Dahill reported that the Transportation Department conducted a 2-hour meeting at the Branford Firehouse. There are no firm plans; the priorities for the project appear to be providing a framework for future work, taking into account safety and line of sight. We will follow up with the Town on addressing desired improvements to Route 146 and surrounding roads. One recommendation would be to make the north end of Spring Rock Road one-way as it intersects with Elizabeth Street.
Agenda Item 5, New Business. As noted above, the tax rate has been set at 5 mils for the upcoming year.
Agenda Item 6-Public Comments: Bob Dahill asked about candidates for the Board of Directors. Seth said that information on candidates would be sent out. Peggy said that it is customary for the Board to prepare the ballot and send out the list of candidates in advance of the Annual Meeting. Niall observed that candidates for board membership could also be proposed from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
Agenda Item 7—Executive Session. Upon motion and second, the Board voted to go into executive session at 8:35 p.m. The Board came out of executive session at 9:34 p.m. Vin Giordano reported that the Board was not taking any action at this time. He added that no votes were taking during the executive session.
Agenda Item 8—Public Comment. None
Agenda Item 9-Adjournment. Upon motion and second the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Haering, Clerk

Upcoming Board meetings
– POA Annual Meeting, Monday July 8, 2024
Documents received:
Pine Orchard Association Budget and Treasurer’s Report;