POA Annual Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Pine Orchard Union Chapel, 25 Chapel Drive

Agenda Item 1: Call to order. The annual meeting of the Pine Orchard Association was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Vin Giordano. There was a quorum of Association members present. The following executive board members were present: Vincent Giordano, John Grathwol, Matt Barez, Tom Roche, Peggy Haering, David Silverstone, David Scheer, Seth Hershman, Niall Ferguson, Karen Jubanyik, and Andy Ruff.
Agenda Item 2: Approval of Minutes. Upon motion and second, the board unanimously approved the minutes from the Association’s last Annual Meeting, held July 10, 2023.
Agenda Item 3: President’s Report. Vin Giordano reviewed the status of various pieces of litigation in which the Association was engaged. The litigation involving beach access on Crescent Bluff Avenue has now been concluded. The Association is still awaiting a decision from the Connecticut Supreme Court on the validity of a homeowner’s claim that his use of property as a short-term rental property is a valid non-conforming use predating the Association’s 2018 zoning ordinance regarding short-term rentals. Vin said that his goal was to restore peace and harmony to the neighborhood. The Association will revive its landscape initiatives throughout the area. The state has announced a plan for improvement of State Route 146, which runs through Pine Orchard. We have participated in State and Town meetings regarding that project. The Association is continuing to monitor short term rental activity and is in the process of issuing a citation to the owner of one property. The Board’s zoning committee has issued a guide to compliance with the Pine Orchard zoning ordinance. Vin said that he would like to continue on as President of the board for the upcoming year but planned to step down after that.
Agenda Item 4: Treasurer’s Report–John Grathwol said that approximately one-third of the taxes for the 2024-25 year have already been paid. John reviewed certain items that varied from the past year’s budget. A planned transfer from the Association’s savings did not occur in the prior year, but that a $17,000 transfer from the savings account had been budgeted for the coming year. John noted that the headquarters maintenance budget was exceeded by $6500, due to uninsured repair costs to restore damage caused by a raccoon that got into the building. The Association also incurred one-time costs for purchase of equipment to run meetings on Zoom. Legal expenses for last year were lower than estimated. The Association’s revenues for 2023-24 were $22,000 lower than anticipated because there was no need to make the contemplated transfer from savings due to lower than expected expenditures for legal fees and shorefront maintenance and a decline in revenue from zoning applications..
Agenda Item 5, Committee Reports:
Zoning – Matt Barez reported that revenues from zoning/building permits were lower than the preceding year’s. His committee had issued a reminder to residents of the need to follow Pine Orchard’s zoning process before applying to the Town of Branford for a building permit or before starting any construction.
Waterfront –David Silverstone reported that the repairs at the end of Island View Avenue are holding up. We do need to fix cracks on the seawall, but it should not be a massive reconstruction. The sidewalk to the Chapel Drive beach access point is crumbling and needs to be redone. The Association also needs to replace the stairs on Crescent Bluff Avenue. Access to the beach on Crescent Bluff is still hazardous, but we have been awaiting the conclusion of the McBurney litigation before proceeding with a permanent solution. The issue of enforcing restriction of beach access to Pine Orchard residents will be tricky. Karen Jubanyik said that the end of Island View Avenue has become known as a good fishing spot. Individuals using the rocks for fishing have left trash, cigarette butts and alcoholic beverage bottles behind. It was suggested that signage be improved at the access point and that Pine Orchard members may need to call the police if they suspect that unauthorized persons are using the access point. Vin Giordano commented that the platform and stairs at the Selden Avenue access point are also in need of repair but that we should hold off getting estimates until the fall. There is additional beach access at Juniper Point and adjacent to the Pine Orchard Club.
Bylaws: David Scheer said that his committee had completed an update of the Association’s bylaws in the past year. His committee determined not to pursue a charter revision.
Beautification Committee: David Scheer will head up this committee. There is an interest in improving the appearance of the grassy area at the end of Spring Rock Road, which is owned by the Town of Branford, Young’s Pond and the Triangle Park. A meeting will be scheduled with community members who offered to assist with this project.
Building Maintenance: Andy Ruff reported that a raccoon invaded the Association’s headquarters and caused a surprising amount of damage. We repaired the damage (some of which was covered by insurance) and replaced the flooring so that we could return to in-person meetings. The Board performed an analysis to determine whether it made sense to keep the building; following that process, the Board decided to retain the headquarters. Vin offered to make the building available for Pine Orchard members who needed a space for meetings.
Agenda Item 6: Nominating Committee: Seth Hershman reported that there are three open slots for new directors, and a fourth slot for Matt Barez, who finished his first term was running for re-election to the Board. Executive Board terms have ended for Peggy Haering and Seth Hershman. . In addition to Matt Barez, the nominees for the Board are George O-Dowd, 17 Island View Avenue: Frank Telo, 196 Totoket Road, and Kerri Costigan Beckert, 21 Selden Avenue. Vin asked whether any Association members wanted to run for a Board seat. Hearing none, upon motion and second the nominations for Board positions were closed.
Agenda Item 7: Election of New Executive Board Members Ballots were distributed, and the results were tallied by the Office Manager and the Clerk of the Association. Peggy Haering announced that all four nominees were elected and that there had been no write-in candidates.
Agenda Item 8: Public Comments. There was discussion of a proposal to make the north end of Spring Rock Road one-way as it intersects with Elizabeth Street. Vin Giordano noted that any such project would like to be subject to both Town and State approvals. Vin wants to get a community plan set up to explore this issue.
Agenda Item 9: Adjournment. Upon motion and second the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Haering, Clerk