Minutes of the January 13th POA Board Meeting
Date: January 13th, 2025
- Roll Call and Approval of Minutes
- Roll call was conducted, confirming quorum. Members present:
Vincent Giordano, David Silverstone, Kerri Beckert, John Grathwol, Karen Jubanyik,
Matt Barez, George O’Dowd, David Scheer, Niall Ferguson (virtual), Andrew Ruff,
Frank Telo.
Members absent: Thomas Roche (excused) - Vincent Giordano called for the minutes from the November 2024 meeting.
David Scheer made the motion, John Grathwol seconded. Motion carried
2. Officer and Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report (John Grathwol):
- Six-month budget performance reviewed.
- Key highlights:
- Tax Revenue: Slightly exceeded expectations due to minor estimation errors
(<1%). - Building Permits/Fees: $2,200 collected of $5,700 budgeted, with most
activity expected in summer. - Expenditures: On track for most categories; insurance (40% remaining) and
utilities (50% expended) align with projections. - Legal Budget: No invoices yet; lower activity predicted, but $17,750 remains
allocated. - Overages: $573 over budget for accounting software due to unexpected
vendor charges.
Discussion: - Upcoming property tax increases noted (average 70%–80% rise). Members
discussed potential mill rate adjustments to address revenue needs without
overburdening residents.
Zoning Report: (Matt Barez) - Short-Term Rentals:
- Continued enforcement efforts on a known violation; letters sent since 2023.
- Recommendation to involve legal counsel for issuing fines and contacting
platforms like Airbnb/VRBO. - Maximum fine of $150/day may be insufficient to deter violations.
- Building Applications:
- One recent application reviewed; Pine Orchard Country Club’s application
was received today and may need special hearing due to commercial property
and non-conforming use.
Nomination Committee: - George O’Dowd states that preparations underway to identify candidates for
upcoming positions.
Building Committee: (Andrew Ruff) - Building has been winterized, and standard maintenance is ongoing.
Waterfront and Shoreline Maintenance: (Karen Jubanyik and David Scheer) - Island View Wall: Structural repairs needed on sound-side buttress wall;
estimate pending from contractor Gary Lyon. Estimated cost may reach tens of
thousands due to tidal challenges. - Crescent Bluff Railing: Lower part requires replacement; full replacement
under consideration. Quotes forthcoming. - Selden Avenue Stairs and Landing:
- Repairs needed on stairs and platform. Ownership clarification between Pine
Orchard Association and Town of Branford pending. - Proposal to conduct “make-safe” maintenance until ownership is resolved.
- Spring Rock Road intersection
- David Scheer and Greg Stak, (virtually,) informed the board of the
improvements made to the sight lines at the intersection of Spring
Rock Road and Pine Orchard Road. The Town has been receptive to
improvement suggestion. - A speed monitoring sign has been placed along Pine Orchard Road,
but the board feels that it may be better placed in the opposite
direction to slow the speed of traffic coming into our neighborhoods. - Vincent Giordano suggested that members of the committee attend
the Town’s next Board of Police Commissioners Traffic Meeting.
3. Old Business
Short-Term Rentals Update:
- Further legal consultation needed to impose fines and pursue resolution.
- Proposal to send formal notice to Airbnb/VRBO regarding non-compliance.
Beach Access and Property Ownership: - Continued discussions on Selden Avenue ownership and public access
implications. Historical title research may indicate partial ownership by the town.
New Business
Resident Bob Dahill brought to the board a concern about the access to the beach
of Spring Rock Road which is over private property. The owners (David Scheer,
board member) have made it clear that Pine Orchard residents have unrestricted
access to the beach through their property. Discussion continued for 5 minutes
with commentary from Niall Ferguson and Karen Jubanyik. Vin Giordano said that
at this time, access is not being restricted, and that if it would be in the future, we
could address it then.
Vincent Giordano called for adjournment. The motion was made by Matt Barez and
seconded by Kerri Beckert. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Minutes prepared by: Kerri Beckert, Clerk, Pine Orchard Association